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北京残奥会会徽(Beijing Paralympics Emblem)

2013-05-17 01:13
导读:考研英语作文范文,北京残奥会会徽(Beijing Paralympics Emblem)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  dubbed "sky, earth and human beings," the emblem of the beijing paralympics is a s

  dubbed "sky, earth and human beings," the emblem of the beijing paralympics is a stylized figure of an athlete in motion, implying the tremendous efforts a disabled person has to make in sports as well as in everyday life. with the unity and the harmony of "sky, earth and human beings," the emblem incorporates chinese characters, calligraphy and the paralympic spirit.

  it embodies the paralympic motto of "spirit in motion" and reflects the integration of heart, body and spirit in human beings -- the core of the philosophy of chinese culture. the three colours in the emblem represent the sun (red), the sky (blue) and the earth

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