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How to be a good learner,How to be a good learner范文

2014-02-20 01:29
导读:高考英语作文范文,How to be a good learner,How to be a good learner范文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:How to be a good learner 英语作文网整理收集 你校英文报欲征集有关学习经验的小短
How to be a good learner 英语作文网整理收集 你校英文报欲征集有关学习经验的小短文.请以"How to be a good learner"为题,写一篇英语短文.短文应包含以下要点:
2,提高学习效率的方法:有计划,善思考,勤总结(sum up);会用工具书,善用机会和资源(resources);劳逸结合.
Possible Version:
How to be a good learner
Learning methods are very important to every student. Usually a good learner gets twice the result with half the efforts. A poor learner also wishes to imporve himself but doesn't know how.
To be a good learner, one should have a proper study plan and be good at thinking and solving problems with the help of reference books, for example, a dictionary. One also has to sum up what has been learned, seize every chance to learn and make use of all kinds of learning resources. Besides, one is supposed to be good both at work and rest.
Remember that diligence and good methods are the key to success.

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