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2014-02-03 01:34
导读:高考英语作文范文,将下列对话以第三人称改写成短文,将下列对话以应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:将下列对话以第三人称改写成短文 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网 将下列对话
将下列对话以第三人称改写成短文 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网 将下列对话以第三人称改写成一篇110左右单词的短文.
The year is 1963 in the USA.Two men are talking in prison.
A:Why are you in here
B:I was on the march.
A:What march
B:Haven't you heard There was a big civil rights march through the center of Birmingham yesterday.
A:Why was that
B:I imagine you're not very interested in politics.
A:I'm a stranger here.I'm from the west coast.Tell me more.
B:It's like this.We black people of Birmingham want equal rights.We want the same rights as the white people in the city.For years we've been demanding better housing and jobs.
A:So you're telling me that the situation here is bad for black people.
B:That's right.We're not treated as equal citizens.We cant' go to the public parks or swimming pools.It's forbidden.
A:What happened on the march then
B:I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up.
They told us to go home but we went on.They said that the march had been forbidden,but that wasn't true.They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison.
A:I imagine that hurt a lot.
B:Yes,my whole body hurts.
【参考答案】The story took place in 1963,when the black people were not treated as equally as the white people in the USA.They were not permitted to go to the public parks or swimming pools.Besides,their housing was in poor conditions and they did very heavy work.To demand the same rights as the whites,black people of Birmingham marched along the street peacefully.But the police wanted to stop them by hitting them with their sticks over and over again.The black people did not give up even though some of them were put into prison.They decided to go on strike until they won the fight against racial discrimination.(112)
【解题导引】本对话反映了20世纪50年代后期到60年代美国黑人为争取和维护平等的公民权而举行大规模民权示威游行,兴起了少数民族争取民主权利的群众运动以及遭到美国当局镇压的情况,揭示了美国种族隔离,种族歧视的黑暗现象.短文需通过一些事例来揭示这一主题: 内容来自www.nseac.com
①We're not treated as equal citizens.
②We can't go to the public parks or swimming pools.
①We want the same rights as the white people in Birmingham.
②We demand better housing and jobs.
③We join in the march and march peacefully.
①The police come up and tell us to go home.
②They want to forbid the march.
③They hit us with their sticks over and over again.
④They put some of us in prison.

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