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语言问题(Language Problem)

2013-09-02 01:19
导读:高考英语作文范文,语言问题(Language Problem)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  last week, they happened to meet two american students.  they started talking abo

  last week, they happened to meet two american students.

  they started talking about sports they do in their spare time, but when xiao hua spoke of “jian”, she didn't know the english word for “jian.”anyway she made her explanation like this: “jian”is made of such materials as copper coins or metal coins wrapped up with a piece of cloth with feathers of cock in it, it can be kicked in various ways and struck to and from across a net in a game.

  if, in case, you drop the“jian” onto the ground, you'll fail. “jian is very popular among the chinese people both as recreation and sports.

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