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怎样写作文?(How to Write a Composition)

2013-08-29 01:02
导读:高考英语作文范文,怎样写作文?(How to Write a Composition)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  there are three stages in writing. the first is the preparatory stage. in this stage, the fi

  there are three stages in writing. the first is the preparatory stage. in this stage, the first step is to examine the topic. while thinking over the topic, you find ideas and plan your writing.

  the second stage is the writing. you first list the words and expressions you are going to use. then organize them in logie order. and next link them with connectives such as: and, before, so, after. and so on.

  the third stage is the revision. go over what you have wrkten and see if there are mistakes in spelling, punctuation, expression, transition and sentence structure.

  you may also start writing when you feel like it. then go over what you have written according to the above mentioned points.

  in short, to write you must write. practice makes perfect.

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