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es out are little breads that we sell in france.
"and what about steaks?" he continues. "do you eat all parts of them?"
"bien sur! we do," replies the frenchman.
"you don't say!" says the america, grinning. "we don't! we only eat the meaty part of the steak. the greasy part we collect in containers, take to a factory, put through a mill, and what comes out are little steaks that we
sell in france."
now the frenchman is really riled (被激怒的). so he asks, "and what do americans do with their used condoms?"
"hey, we throw them away of course," says the american.
"ha!" exclaims the frenchman. "we collect them in containers, take them to a factory and put them through a mill. what comes out is chewing gum that we sell in america!"