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dear mr.weidner.
contract no. 17854
you will recall that you and i have discussed at least three times during the past six months the low quality of service provided by your hotel.after each conversation,service is improved for a short time ,and then reverts.back to the old standard that brought abort my original complaints.
i will summarize in this letter my previous discussions about your performance.you may wish to refer to our contract as you read my comments.
1. windows :according to the contract ,all windows are to be cleaned once a month.this is not being done.often from six to eight weeks elapse between cleanings.even when the windows are cleaned ,the job is less than satisfactory.
2.carpets:the carpets should be vacuumed after each workday.although your service people do show up each day ,their efforts can only be described as careless.
3.miscellaneous :i could mention a dozen other cleaning responsibilities that are not being met satisfactorily——furnitures,lavatories and ash trays,for example.
i call your attention to paragraph 7c in the contract,mr.weidner ,in which the provisions for revocation of the contract are described.i do not like to consider such a possibility,but i must have your written assurance that all provisions of the contract will be met.
i will be pleased to meet with you once more to discuss the situation. i assure you that this a matter of some urgency to me.
yours faithfully,
jorn thomas