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on april20, after two classes in the morning, the broadcasting station① of our school went on the air. the announcer②told us the sad news that a student named tong kai in junior2 needed a kidney transplant③. it would cost one hundred thousand yuan. it was impossible for his family to pay so much money, but tong was critically④ ill, so the student union called on everyone to do something to help tong kai.
the news soon spread over the campus. everyone was anxious about his illness. from that day on, the teachers and students began to contribute money to help him. we were not rich, but all of us were generous contributors⑤. the teachers donated⑥ part of their salaries. many students helped tong with their pocket money. li bin, a student in junior 2, contributed eighty yuan. he said,“the money we have contributed is not enough for tong's operation, but we have done what we can. we all hope that tong kai will get well soon and come back to study with us.”his simple words expressed our deep affection⑦. in only three days the student union received ten thousand yuan in all.
with the help of many schoolmates, teachers and other kind people, tong got enough money and was operated on successfully. he said,“i thought i was the most unlucky person in the world, but now i think just the opposite. i live with the care and love of thousands of kind people. i'll face life bravely.”while saying these words, he couldn't keep back his tears.
what a warm big family our school is!