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a robbery happened near the bank of china on march 8th, 2002. a woman was robbed of her money by a tall robber with long brown hair after she took money out of the bank. the robber was riding a motorbike, wearing a mask and carrying a gun in hand.
in three minutes, the policeman arrived at the spot and fought with the robber who tried to run away with the money. after half an hour's fight, the robber was shot to death at the turning of the street. the woman was very grateful to the police. please be careful while going out.
there happened a robbery near the bank of china on march 8th,2002.
the details were that a scoundrel with a gun was robbing a women of money. the scoundrel had long brown hair, his face covered and rode a motorcar. he tried to take money out of the woman's pocket. but the police arrived three minutes later, fighting with the scoundrel. the scoundrel tried to run away with money, but he failed. after half an hour, the scoundrel was shot by a policeman at the corner of the street. the women appreciated the police. everybody should be careful while going out.