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2013-08-31 01:09
导读:中考英语作文范文,逛街(Shopping)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  poils have shown that most people,particularly girls like shopping.  shopping is

  poils have shown that most people,particularly girls like shopping.

  shopping is one of my pastimes. my classmates and i go shopping when we finish our homework on sunday. i like shopping, not because i want to buy something,but because i want to know what are the new products in the markets. i am the so called"window shopper."there are some new department stores recently opened in the east area of taipei. it is good news for shoppers.

  from my experience, i notice that well-furnished department stores are most welcomed by customers, because people's income are higher than ever, they are pretty choosey.

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