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to the chinese people, it is a fashion statement. if your hair looks good, you feel good with all the new styles colours. it is a statement of your mood, your attitude to fashion, some like traditional, others want to try to be modern. long hair has always been an attraction to men, slinky(优雅的,柔软的,时髦的) seductive(吸引人的; 富有魅力的). men want to run their fingers through it. a sexual emotion is emulated by a lady swinging her head and their hair flows. in an open top, sports car the wind blowing their hair seductively. the hair is a person's pride and joy.
007 says, i love long hair. to me it's one of the first thing i look at in a lady and especially if they have long hair, it looks so beautiful. in my religion one story about hair is about the strongest man in the world called sampson and deliah, whose strength came from his long hair. in the story, his enemies trapped him not by a man but by the beautiful woman deliah who lured him into her bed. whilst sleeping, she cut his long flowing locks. when he awoke, his strength has gone. 007's strength is also in his hair, but also in his handsome looks. so all you beautiful ladies out there, look at your hair now, and see if you agree with this story. does your hair make a statement about you? do you love your hair? how important is it to you? email me and tell me your feelings.