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说说学生们的MP3和MP4(MP3 and MP4 Among Students)

2013-07-20 01:11
导读:中考英语作文范文,说说学生们的MP3和MP4(MP3 and MP4 Among Students)样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:  mp3 and mp4 are quite popular among us students now. some teachers and parents are worried a

  mp3 and mp4 are quite popular among us students now. some teachers and parents are worried about this. they think listening to mp3 and mp4 can get in the way of school work, because some of us only use them to listen to music or watch movies. some even bring mp3 and mp4 to school and listen to them in class.

  i often listen to mp3, too. we should use mp3 and mp4 not only for having fun, but also for english learning. if we listen to them after we have finished our homework. this will make teachers, parents and us students happy. what do you think?

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