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意外(An Accident)

2013-07-14 01:18
导读:中考英语作文范文,意外(An Accident)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  one sunny afternoon, when i was merrily riding home, i heard "help! help!". i rode

  one sunny afternoon, when i was merrily riding home, i heard "help! help!". i rode to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river struggling.

  i jumped into the water, swam to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. the boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. i asked him where his home was and sent him home. "thank you very much!" the boy's parents said, when i left his home. though i got home late that afternoon, i was very happy.

    上一篇:我的父亲很温柔(My father is a gentle man) 下一篇:没有了