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引起火灾的原因(The Cause of fire)

2013-06-28 01:04
导读:中考英语作文范文,引起火灾的原因(The Cause of fire)应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:  as we all know, fire is one of the most terrible killers in our modern society.we know that

  as we all know, fire is one of the most terrible killers in our modern society.we know that fire is mainly caused by smokers, followed by defective insulations and children playing with matches.

  in 2002 ,thousands of fire happened all over the country, of which 50 percent was caused by smokers who left cigarette-ends everywhere. those who smoke should make sure that the cigarettes are stubbed out before being thrown away. also, smoking should not be allowed in public places. 30 percent of fire was caused by defective insulation. workers should know the importance of good insulation for people's lives. at homes we must pay special attention to electric wires and make sure that they are safe. 20 percent of fire are caused by children playing with matches. we should warn children of the danger of playing with matches.

  no matter what type of the reason it was, there was one thing in common:carelessness. so if everyone in the country is careful enough, more fire could be avoided.

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