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该工作时工作(work while you work)

2013-05-23 01:29
导读:中考英语作文范文,该工作时工作(work while you work)应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:  both work and play are necessary to us; the former gives us knowledge while the latter (give

  both work and play are necessary to us; the former gives us knowledge while the latter (gives) rest. an english proverb is well said: “work while you work play while you play.” it makes our life pleasant, efficient and successful.

  work is one thing and play is another. it is of course not good to work all day long. however, it is also not good to play all day long. while you work, you should work in earnest. then while you play, you will feel more relaxed and pleasant. that goes without saying.




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