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工作不是一切(Working Is Not Everything)

2013-05-03 18:22
导读:中考英语作文范文,工作不是一切(Working Is Not Everything)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  工作很重要。我们工作是为了养家糊口,也是为了自我发展。有的人为了




  working is important. we work to support our family and to promote ourselves. therefore in order to prove his ability, someone work with all his might.

  but the result might be that he probably lost many precious things,such as health and his family. so working is not everything of one's life. besides working, we should enjoy life more and pay attention to our health.

    上一篇:我的幻想(My Illusions) 下一篇:体育与健康(Sport and health)