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The best clothes store

2013-05-01 18:26
导读:中考英语作文范文,The best clothes store范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  the best clothes store  what do you think is the best clothes store ? i think hua

  the best clothes store

  what do you think is the best clothes store ? i think hualong is the best in our town. it has the friendlest service in our town. the people there are always friendly to you. it is the cheapest in our town. but some clothes are not fashion.

  i don’t like the trendiest clothes. i think it has the better quality than jeans’. do you think so?

    上一篇:一个特别的女孩(A special girl) 下一篇:服装商店(The clothes store)