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写信给大学校长(A Letter to the University President)

2013-04-13 18:02
导读:中考英语作文范文,写信给大学校长(A Letter to the University President)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  january 11th,2003  dear mr. president,  as a regular student at our

  january 11th,2003

  dear mr. president,

  as a regular student at our college,i have some complaint to make about the canteen service on campus.

  firstly,the canteen environment is very bad. actually,it is becoming more and more crowded and noisy with an ever larger presence of vocational students every term. secondly,the canteen workers are bad-mannered. far from being warm and kind-hearted,they always seem to be cold and rude to us students. thirdly and most importantly,the dishes at our canteen are too expensive,though they are by no means good quality or delicious. the survey the student union carried out last week reveals that on average a student will spend 10 to 12 yuan on meals every day. this is for more than the food expenses of students in the neighborhood colleges.

  nutritious and delicious meals well within the students' means are very important for young students. i really wish measures could be taken to improve our canteen service.

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