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Is Watching TV a Good Thing(看电视是一件好事情吗)

2015-05-05 02:07
导读:高中英语作文范文,Is Watching TV a Good Thing(看电视是一件好事情吗)应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:                &n

                                 Is Watching TV a Good Thing
     Television has changed people's life much since it was invented. Now it has become an important part of modem life.
     People enjoy themselves after hard work by Watching TV. They can see some plays, some stories,some sports matches without going out of home, and without spending much money in buying tickets. TV programmes make people's life more interesting.
     People learn much from TV. Students can study by watching some educational programmes. People can see news, weather reports; programmes about science and computers. People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching TV.
     But not all the progranunes are ,good enough. Today, there are too many programmes about sexy and crime. Some young people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those programmes. And watching TV usually takes too much time. It's not good for people's work and study. It's not good foi' their eyes, either.
      People all over the world are watching TV. Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people themselves.  If one can choose good programmes and he doesn't spend too much time on TV, it can be a good thing for him.

    人们从电视中学到很多东西。学生能通过看教育节目来学习,人们能看新闻、天气预报、有关科学和电脑的节目。世界各地的人们通过看电视互相学习,相互了解。 (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)

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