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The New House-新居,The New House-新居范文

2014-11-18 01:03
导读:高中英语作文范文,The New House-新居,The New House-新居范文范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:The New House-新居 英语作文网整理 Lung-Lung (Dragon-Dragon) liked his new house which wa
The New House-新居 英语作文网整理 Lung-Lung (Dragon-Dragon) liked his new house which was bigger and nicer than his old one, and he liked all his new neighbors, too. However, there was not one who was a little boy Lung-Lung’s size; he was a little upset about that. One day a big steam shovel came rumbling up the hill. It rumbled right into the empty site Across the street and started to dig a big hole. Now lung-lung was so busy watching that he did not even notice when someone came and stood beside him, but he did notice when someone said, ‘See that big shovel? It is digging the ground for my new house!’ Lung-Lung looked to see who was talking, and it was a little boy just his own size! ‘Good!’ said Lung-Lung. ‘Your new house will be opposite my new house’ and we can play together everyday.’

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