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The Age of Electricity,The Age of Electricity范文

2014-10-16 02:08
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The Age of Electricity
It is certain for we human beings to be proud of our brilliant civilization, which offers us the comfortable life. Our civilization wouldn’t develop so rapidly without the endless stream of great scientific achievements. It is electricity that plays an important role and stands out among these achievements. And we should be grateful to the scientists who had found the way to produce electricity.
In 1831,Faraday, an excellent scientist from England, summed up a law which is called Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. This law tells us how to induct electric current with magnets, Faraday’ law made the book of our history turned to anew page, the age of electricity.
The law belongs to the foundation of the Theory of Electromagnetics. The scientist worked in this field for a long time and then brought us today’s life: e-life. It is now easy to find a telephone or a light. Computers also become more and more important and popular. We use electricity in various ways: doing house work, entertaining, having important meetings on the Internet and so on. Imagine this: when watching TV, you find the telephone ranging. So you turned on the light and answer it. It is your cousin who asks about how to use the new soft ware you give him. So you send him an e-mail. All these seems to be too simple and common. But in any of these, electricity is always playing an important role. What if there was no electricity? Full of darkness at night, no internet, no televisions……that would be terrible!
Thanks to the scientists achievements, we can live such a comfortable life. So when you are doing your homework by the lamp, or watching an NBA match or surfing the internet, please say to Faraday and the other scientists in your mind sincerely: Thank you!

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