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我的家乡庐山-MyHometown Mount Lushan

2014-08-20 01:05
导读:高中英语作文范文,我的家乡庐山-MyHometown Mount Lushan样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:                 
                       MyHometown Mount Lushan
      My hometown is Mount Lushan. Have you ever been there? Mount Lushan is very famous for its beautiful scenery, excellent climate and long history.
      Mount Lushan stands on the south bank of the Changjiang River and the north bank of the Poyang Lake. It has many nice scenic spots, such as the Flower Path,the Five-Old-Man Peak, the Three-Step Waterfalls and so on. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries come here every year, especially in summer.
     Summeron Mount Lushan is very cool. It can' be called a huge natural air-conditioner in summer; Winter here is nice, too. Heavy snow falls every year. There is a popular saying: "Mount Lushan in summer is green like a clear fountain, and in winter is white like a white jade."
     I'm sure you will have a wonderful time in my hometown..   Mount Lushan.

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