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一封投诉信-A Letter of Complaint

2014-06-22 01:01
导读:高中英语作文范文,一封投诉信-A Letter of Complaint怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:A Letter of Complaint(一封投诉信)汉浯提示:你在某公司购买了一台微机,由该公
A Letter of Complaint(一封投诉信)
                                                                                                                  June 8, 2003
Dear Customer Service Representative,
    I am writing to comp[ain about the bad delivery service of your company.
    The IBM Desktop computer we ordered from your store two weeks ago finally arrived yesterday. There were not any signs of damage to the packing case at all, but when we opened it, we found, much to our surprise, that the back cover had been cracked and the screen had been scratched.
    In view of this, I have decided to make a formal complaint against your delivery service. I sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible. If this is not possible, I will have no alternative but to insist on a full refund.
    I would appreciate anything you can do to help us in this matter.
                                                                                                                    Yours truly, 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。
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