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知识介绍:个人计算机的奇妙结构-The Wonderful Str

2014-02-11 02:40
导读:高中英语作文范文,知识介绍:个人计算机的奇妙结构-The Wonderful Str怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:个人计算机的奇妙结构【内容提示】学校要出壁报,约你用英语写一篇介
The Wonderful Structure of a Personal Computer
In Chinese, a computer is popularly known as an “electrical brain”, for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much.
In appearance, a personal computer has three simple and clear parts: the main frame①, the keyboard② and the display③. In other words, if you own these three parts, you would exactly have a computer.
A computer system is made up of software and hardware considering its working manner. If we compare the hardware to a human body, then, the software would be the soul.
Just as a driver cannot drive a car without driving skills or the car it self, you cannot control a computer without controlling techniques or the computer itself. The controlling techniques are called software, while computers themselves and related devices④ such as a mouse⑤ are called hardware.
The work of a computer is just making full use of various resources by a software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent⑥ functions.
①main frame 主机(箱)
③display 显示器
④related devices 相关部件
⑤mouse 鼠标


2)类比法是一种逻辑推理方法,人们在文章中经常用到。英语中表达类比的方式有多种,本文用到的有“be similar to”,“compare…to…”,“just as”等。但是,类比法有或然性,须慎用。
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