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我的星期天-During Sundays

2014-04-24 01:15
导读:初中英语作文范文,我的星期天-During Sundays在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:   以前的星期天我基本都玩过去了,可是现在我的星期天变得有意义

                                 During Sundays
     I used to idle away my Sundays. But now I have more meaningful thing to do. One day our teacher took us to visit the Welfare House. There lived the orphans. Some of them are of school age already. But they don't have the chance to go to school yet. So why couldn't I teach them what I had learnt in the classes on Sundays? My home is close to the Weffare House. Wasn't it a good idea?
     When I told my teacher this,  she looked at me with a yes on her face. From then on, I act as a little voluntary teacher there on Sundays.
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