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音乐嘉年华(Music Carnival)

2013-08-24 01:00
导读:初中英语作文范文,音乐嘉年华(Music Carnival)样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:  from may 1 to may 7, we had a seven-day holiday. during the holiday a special international

  from may 1 to may 7, we had a seven-day holiday. during the holiday a special international music carnival was held in the century park. many music groups from the world came to the park.

  i like rock music very much. i'm always longing for attending a music festival. and my dream came true. i enjoyed different kinds of music during the carnival. i couldn't forget the moment when we danced and waved our hands to the music.people of all ages enjoyed a lot.

    上一篇:第一次坐飞机(My First Flight) 下一篇:让我们一起修理(Lets Repair It Together)