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2013-04-18 18:01
导读:十一国庆节作文范文,国庆节高中英语作文应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:"trans-result-content">in october 1st, this is the whole nation is celebrating the good life. alth
"trans-result-content">in october 1st, this is the whole nation is celebrating the good life. although, street office is huge crowds of people, but to find a true from it is out of play students, that like look for a needle in the ocean. the majority of students are all filled with sorrow, in the street school learning.

last october 1st, i always family and lively go shopping, shopping, watch tv, play computer games. but since the junior high school, my study is more nervous, not even playing time is no. the thought of national day can be crazy to play a few days. can not think of, in addition to the teacher assignments do not mention, parents also left a" pile up like a mountain hand". this is i think the word: this world as an adult is difficult, more difficult for students.

why would you say that? because the adults as long as you do a good job on the line. can our students not only to complete the school, teacher and parents arranged by dual task, but also face the parents spend huge amounts of money to request or offer cram school" three converging attack".

interest is the best teacher, but now parents in order to let the children master the writing skills, regardless of the children love or not love, immediately random newspaper. while playing the piano, while learning english, and then change the oersted of number. " the universe full of" make up a missed lesson, did not spend less money, can often run counter to one's desire.

    上一篇:63年,迎来祖国的黎明 下一篇:关于国庆节作文:祖国在我心中