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2013-04-24 01:32
导读:植树节作文范文,植树节英语作文素材样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错: 3月12日是孙中山先生逝世纪念日。中山先生生前十分重视林业建设。他


march 12 is the anniversary of dr. sun yat-sen's death. dr. sun yat-sen had attached great importance to forestry. he served as provisional president of the republic of china soon after the establishment of the nanjing government, in may 1912 established the ministry of agriculture and forestry, under the forest division, director of national forestry administration of. in november 1914 enacted the first of china's modern history, a "forest law", in july 1915, the government has stipulated that the annual "qingming" as tree-planting day.

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