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2013-04-23 18:05
导读:高考英语作文范文,喜欢的食物及做食物的步骤样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:食物: fried milk 材料: fresh milk,self-raising flour,eggs,sugar 步骤: 3

食物: fried milk
材料: fresh milk,self-raising flour,eggs,sugar
步骤: 3 steps

1,cook the milk until boiled.
then put the self-raising flour directly into the milk (without adding water).
at same time, put egg white into the milk.
turn down the fire, stirring the mixture until they are evenly mixed as a mush.

2,put the mush in a bowl and freeze it in the freezer.
after two or three hours, get the mush out of the freezer.
you will find the mush already combined as pudding.
cut the pudding into small lumps.

3,prepare the some dense cooking starch using the self-raising flour.
wrap the small lumps with the dense starch.
then, fried the small lumps in the hot oil until the outside layer turning into yellow.

    上一篇:什么是真正富有(What is like to be rich) 下一篇:我最喜欢的奥运项目—水上芭蕾舞(My Favourite Ol