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男孩女孩(Girl and boy)

2013-04-18 18:01
导读:高考英语作文范文,男孩女孩(Girl and boy)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  男孩女孩(girl and boy)  girl and boy all is the life under the identical piec

  男孩女孩(girl and boy)

  girl and boy all is the life under the identical piece sky .but ,is the boy on why better than the girl .this all blames the adult bias ,was always thinking lets the son be passed on from generationto generation for them ,is always thinking the daughter uselessly .but, if each people all are thought like this ,this could exterminate the humanity .without the girl ,you equally cannot be passed on from generation to generation.

  therefore ,please respect the girl .

    上一篇:妈妈,我爱你(Mom,I Love You) 下一篇:改变(Change)