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美好的学校生活(Happy Life at School Bill Condon)

2013-05-03 18:22
导读:高中英语作文范文,美好的学校生活(Happy Life at School Bill Condon)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  catherine wang arrived in the uk in january 1999. in order to develop and extend her english

  catherine wang arrived in the uk in january 1999. in order to develop and extend her english language skills, she spent the first few months at sherborne international college. then she joined aldenham to take a two-year‘a’level course, which will enable her to enter a british university.

  catherine found that the emphasis on maths and science in china had equipped her well for two of her“a” levels----maths and physics. to challenge her imagination, she chose art as her third subject. she said it was quite rewarding and challenging.

    上一篇:宁静的小屋(A Peaceful Cabin) 下一篇:我喜欢这个游戏(I Love this Game)